Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Financial Wisdom

This is my 100th post and would like to talk about financial wisdom. Well, I do not think that I have all it takes to talk about this topic.. However, based on my little experience that I have and looking at the lives of people around me, I think I can conclude a thing or two...

Firstly, one must live within his/her means. Being prudent is a virtue and it doesn't mean that by reducing expenditure, it equates to no faith for God to provide more. However, for people who spends without thinking and especially when you're spending like a king while earning peanuts, you are really asking for it..

Secondly, to increase income, one must be reasonably valued in the market. else, you'll always end up doing jobs that no one else wants to do. One way to increase value is by education. With a better education, you will not neccessarily be able to earn much more, but the very least, you'll not be poor. Those people who says that higher educated people will not be able to find jobs as easily those with lower education, are often people who cannot get to that education level themselves. Sour grapes is the word. By not wanted to put in the hard yards, the next best thing is to say that it's not worth it.

Thridly, it's only with financial abilitities that one can even start to consider blessing others. If one is financially tight, he/she will find himself/herself getting caught in a situation where the heart is willing but the pocket is weak. This is when one wants to do something but financially it is impossible. Be it doing a visitation, paying for a meal, paying for a cab fare, sponsoring someone, everything needs money. In fact, the bible says money answers everything (Ecc 10:19)... Think about it. Start spending wisely.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


A quick update.. we just registered for marriage. One can only do this 3 months before the wedding day.So on the 18th night, by the time the clock struck 12, Huiqin was waiting to log in to www.rom.gov.sg. I think she's really desperate to get married... hahaha.

Next update, we bought a sofa. Or have I mentioned this before? We bought this a few days back. Yellow and black. What we liked was that it was designed by Singaporeans. We support Singaporeans. Best of all, it met our needs, with high back rest and it allowed slide ways resting. Perfect for siesta... Also, it fitted into the budget. It's SGD 499, 1 buck short of the full budget amt. Oh, bt the way, it's for the study room, not the living room.

I have also checked with my HR on some honeymoon things. I think things will turn out well.. Really pray for favour.

Finally, I just read Sunday Times and in it there was an article on Vietnamese wives. I was at Tanjong Katong Shopping Centre for lunch on Fri with my boss and colleagues. The forth floor was full of such Vietnamese brides. It made me wonder if marriage can be structured as an agreement. Just like a contract, be it with maids/business etities etc. so long as it benefit both parties, it'll work. The brides will get their priced Singapore PR and soon citizenship and the husbands will not be left on the shelf. It's hard to imagine that true love exist from the time the customer steps into the shop to the time the customer leaves the shop...

Sunday, June 14, 2009


I was just in office that day telling my friend how low our salary is. I told him that with marriage coming up, I really need money and it seems that the monthly take home I'm drawing now is really meager.

Then he said something. Look, we are still learning now as we just entered the workforce. So we have a "L" plate in front of us. Once we have removed the "L" plate, we can then remove the "L" plate from our L-E-A-R-N and start to E-A-R-N. It made me think a little....