Sunday, November 2, 2008


OK, this was taken in City Link Mall. An Advert by RSAF. As we all know, the SAF is really talented at wasting money and here's one of the million examples. The picture shows somewat like a runway. Cos of the threshold (the piano keyboard thingy). Then as you walk along, you realise that the numbers are both 36 on each end!!!! Now, the number on a runway represents the runway direction. For example, at Senai it's 16 and 34. Meaning runway is pointing 160 and 340 degrees according to the magnetic compass. Well, in areas near equator, the magnetic direction is good enough since north pole is not near. Then in Changi Airport, it's 02 and 20, Left and Right. Now with a 3rd runway nearby, there's even centre.. But this RSAF runway has 360 and 360????? Confusing pilots and goes to show how lousy RSAF can be... Though you may argue that it's only an advert but hey, where's the professionalism? Top airforce? Ka Pui!!!! Waste civilian's money.

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