Thursday, April 8, 2010


For the past few weeks, CHC has been on a roller coaster. Up and Down and being a member, I can feel the emotions that ran with it as well. What essentially is the root of all the news and accusations was the fact that CHC has bought shares of Suntec. The latest and most ridiculous piece of accusation is that CHC has bought over 1 of the 5 towers of Suntec.

OK, back to the main point, I can tell that PK has been quite dissappointed. Perhaps not because it came from outside but from within. I too had that feeling before. In fact, just recently. When the people whom you trust to fight along side with you suddenly becomes your attacker, the feeling is really bad. You'll feel like erm.. I start to wonder if what you've done is correct or not.

Well, maybe only those who have gone through it will understand.

1 comment:

:: 哭泣的星星 :: said...

guess it coincides w e census 2010, time to know who's there and who's not..