Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Am currently in KLIA. staying here for 2 days before going to Penang for another 2 days. That's 1 week gone. And so, that is how I spend my time. It may sound fun and I do agree it is, but at the end, after calculation, I actually put it more hours than a regular week in the office in Singapore.

OK, enough of me. This week, church has seen some real drama. With CoC wanting to remove 8 individuals from the church. Well, since the beginning of the investigation, I guess this is the day that we all hoped will never come. What they did, is it right, is it wrong, it is not something I want to comment on the blog but I believe there is good in every situation and God's plans are higher. Let/s see how things develop but I can say this is a tough time for all of the 8 individuals. And if you are from another church reading this, you may wonder what has it got to do with me. The answer is that this case not only involves the 8 individuals. It actually speaks of the atmosphere of religious acceptance in Singapore. And if you are a Christian in Singapore, this concerns you as it can potentially shape how churches are run in this island. So, the decision is a big thing. For the 8, it can mean that they will no longer be allowed to be employed by any charity organization in Singapore. This means a loss in income and literally, a suicide in their career. So what is the next step? migrate to another country? Somewhere that will accept people doing good deeds?

I shall not continue else I'll probably say something that is not politically correct and get myself into trouble with the law.

Talking on career, I will be making a bold move in my career in the next few months. Forever thankful to the blessings of God. I pray it will be fruitful. I shall not reveal too much as yet as nothing has been confirmed. but certainly, some changes are in the pipeline. I'm excited and looking forward to it.

For the past few days, I've been learning about respect. Being respectful to other is something not easy. Really need to be very confident to do so. In fact, is it due to the lack of confidence that resulted in a lot of disrespect and that is why we have racism etc. Racism is funny if taken well but it definitely is a bad thing. There's no doubt about it. Ok, got to go back to my lamb shank that I ordered. Then going for meeting number 4 for today alone. It is a tiring trip like all duty travels. I am but just a piece of sugar cane and the company is squeezing me dry...

1 comment:

:: 哭泣的星星 :: said...

please share bout' your bold move!