Monday, April 25, 2011


Was looking at my CG blog and was just thinking of shutting it down when I stumbled upon an old testimony I posted back in 2009. Was very touched by it and so here it is...

Huiqin and I were desperate for a venue for our photoshoot as we were both too busy to get into serious planning. On the day where we met our photographer, we had to tell him where and we just gave raffles marina as the 2nd venue. After that night, Huiqin dropped RM an e-mail and it states that we had to pay about SGD 200 plus as we are booking it quite last minute.

Both of us are very tight now as we had just completed BF. SGD 200 plus is indeed a lot for us. Then, I remembered I had met a friend when I was in Malaysia about 1 yr ago. I dropped him a sms and he had his contacts. In the end, he got the manager of RM to call me and the total amount I needed to pay was 0 dollars.

Thank God for this saving and truly God is good. Savings here and there goes a long long way...

- Kenneth

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