Saturday, May 24, 2008

Proposal (Part 2)

Ok, as promised this will be a continuation of Part 1. So then after re-fueling, I told Huiqin that I had obtained my license (PPL) after 60 hours of training. So, when Huiqin hopped on to the C-152, I immediately called for clearance for engine start-up as there were many in the flying club awaiting for the plane.

So, Johore ground cleared start up and I still remember the QNH was 1011. Ha. So once started, taxied and lined up holding point. With the Flight Plan filed, we soon found ourselves lining up runway 16. On 16, we were heading back to Singapore which was not exactly the direction I had wanted to go as my initial plan was to go to Kulai and do an anti-clockwise loop around Gunung Pulai. However, as soon as we were airborne, we got re-routed to a clock wise loop so I went to south Gunung Pulai instead. But it doesn't matter, as at the end, I just wanna go to the proposal ground that is above Pulau Kukup.

Pulau Kukup is a wildlife nature reserve. It is mainly an island of untouched mangrove. Not the best scenery but it's the best in the region and the next best that I can think of is Pulai Sinai which is quite far away and I think if I really go there, Huiqin would have vomitted. So after about 20 mins, we arived at Pulau Kukup. While reaching there I told Huiqin that we were lost as I really didn't know where we are.

See, flying a plane is unlike driving a car where you can park somewhere and get your orientations right. Flying a plane is like you taking a deep breath and running into a smoke chamber, you'll have to hold on until you reach the exit (in this case would be to find another runway to land). Else you'll just have to keep holding on, the last thing you want is to get lost. So anyway, I told her "quick take out the GPS from my bag so that we can see where we are". Of course, there wasn't any GPS in my bag. I had used the RoyceChocolate spacy looking wrapper to wrap up the Celestial box. So when she took it out, she opened it and saw the Celestial sign on it. well, I just looked at her and smiled. I think at that moment, she'll know. So, in the end,she opened the box and behold, the STAR DIAMOND greeted her.

Fly me to the moon
And let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like
On Jupiter and Mars
In other words hold my hand
In other words darling kiss me
Fill my life with song
And let me sing forevermore
You are all I hope for
All I worship and adore
In other words please be true
In other words I love you

So the song played (in my mind) and I asked her over the coms if she'll marry me and the reply was "ya" Hahahhaaahhaahahahhaha. From that moment, I know that I am the happiest man in the world. the feeling is better than when Man U beat Liverpool. It's even better than getting back my PSLE results.. haha. And by the way, all these happened at 1500 ft up in the air though I had initially requested for 2000 ft, but requested to descend due visibility. well, I didn't know that descending will be so fun with huiqin sitting beside me. Everytime I descend, she'll grab onto my leg. Haha.

So, after that I did some steep turns (AOB = 45 degrees) over P.Kukup and then I returned to WMKJ via the same route that I came, overhead Pekan Nanas. When we landed, I did a normal landing with 1 degree of flaps to give me a good foreground visibility with good drag and still good lift. Touched down at a speed of 65 knts and then taxied to the apron.

Upon reaching the apron, 2 familar looking Singaporeans were there and they had come all the way to sahre this moment with us. Well, I think I can't disclose who they are as it's meant to be a secret but I think most people can guess... So took a lot of photos and video too and then we left the apron as there are other users who were waiting for the plane. So I was congratulated by other members of the club and it was one happy day. I was tiring as well as I had only slept 1.5 hours the night before. reason? Too excited and also had to rush out to buy things while doing last minute preperation for the flight. Ha.

Kenneth over and out. Ok, I've posted the video (above)but I'm really having problems putting up photos. Dunnow why it keeps getting problem with the server.


Fairy said...

u r way too cool manz! cant wait to attend ur big day!

KennethTeo said...

haha, thanks! Surprise mah.... anyway big day not so soon :)

Fairy said...

surprise..was indeed a gd one!