Tuesday, September 16, 2008


well, i realised that i've been working for 6 weeks now. There are many things that I want to do but have since been unable due to work. That's sacrifice i guess. I've always wanted to meet up Stephen, my NUS buddy but ever since he started working too, both of us are so busy. He, is also working at Changi and is an engineer. I think his job is really tough as it's long hours and from what i heard, it's very demanding with a very steep learning curve. The pay, however, is quite good. That's due to his past working exp as well.

For my current job, everyone is new in this and so, it's not so bad cos we're all learning together. The people all around me are telling me that I'm very blessed. Of cos they do not use the word bless, but they just say I'm lucky. ha. I think my colleagues envy me. God is good. Recently, a new colleague has been added to my team. He has 28 years of experience but he still look so young. The reason? He goes to the gym 3 times a week. Last night, Pastor talked about looking good and sharp. No sloppy attitude. I think I should really start working out and the only time I can think of is the weekends. Haiz. Did I mention that every day, I'm reaching office before 8am? Well, not really because of work... But just to beat the traffic and ERP.

I was listening to a song last night. After reaching home at 12 midnight, I on my computer and started to find the song. It's nice. It's called Today by CCC. I have yet to try it out on the guitar. With just 1 guitar, its effects will be limited. I'll see how things goes. Everyday, I leave home before sun up and I reach home after sun down. I do not want my neighbours to complain abt my guitar playing..... hmmm...

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