Wednesday, December 3, 2008

My Winning Poem

I found my winning poem that I sent to Class 95!!!!! It won me a Canon Ixus many months back. I had to write down the 5 colours that this new camera was available in and why my entry deserved to win and also indicate which colour of camera am I wanting to win.

Here it is:

"5 colours are: Blue, Camel, Pink, Silver and Brown.


Silver is to high tech,
Savvy is to me.

Canon is to Kenneth
Kenneth is my name.

Flexible is to silver,
Flexibility suits me.

So ductile is silver,
Versatile is me.

"80" is in my IC,
so it does belong to me.

Let me win this Ixus 80,
it IS silver must be.

Canon Ixus 80 "is" Kenneth's Ixus already.


In the end, I won the silver one. Power of confession I tell you.....


rachel said...

LOL. dats a good one. HAHAHA

:: 哭泣的星星 :: said...

okay, this is corny!